Gift Wrap ~ Gift Wrapping
per item
You need your order gift wrapped for delivery? We will wrap your gift and include a card. Please include information to be included on the card, in the "comment" section when ordering. Also, include holiday or event the gift is for, (BD, wedding, Christmas) so we can use appropriate wrapping paper. Due to some products' size and shape, gift wrapping is NOT possible. Please check with the shop owner BEFORE placing your order, to make sure your item CAN be wrapped.
Gift wrapping excludes granite memorials and markers. Orders placed without shop owner approval, cannot be guaranteed.
Please list pertinent information, in the comment area. Please call the shop directly, if you have any questions, or concerns. 209-234-1300 (8am to 5pm PST)
Gift wrapping excludes granite memorials and markers. Orders placed without shop owner approval, cannot be guaranteed.
Please list pertinent information, in the comment area. Please call the shop directly, if you have any questions, or concerns. 209-234-1300 (8am to 5pm PST)